mobile learning,ubiquitous computing,cloud computing

Mobile Learning

Mobile learning is the ability to obtain or provide educational content on personal pocket devices such as PDAs, Smart phones and mobile phones educational content refers to digital learning assets which include any form of content or media made available on a personal device.


Pink watch (2003) Learning supported by Digital electronic tools and media electronic

Traxler (2005)  Has any educational provision where the salt or dominant Technologies are handled or palmtop devices 
How It Differs From M  
E Learning
                        M Learning
·                in classroom or Internet types
·                     learning anywhere anytime
·                Lecturer Email to email
·                     instantaneous messaging
·                Private location
·                     Geographic boundaries
·                Travel time to reach to Internet site

·                     Not travel with wireless Internet connectivity

Objectives of mobile learning

·                     Encourage ‘anywhere anytime learning’ mobile devices allow students to gather access and process information outside the classroom they can encourage learning in a real-world context and help bridge school, after school and home environments.

·                     Reach underserved children

·                     Because of their relativity low cost and accessibility in low income communities handled devices can help advanced digital equity reaching and inspiring population ‘at the edges’

·                     Improve 21st century social indications.

·                     Fit more naturally within various learning environments.

·                     Enable a personalized learning experience

·                     Cultural norms and attitudes.

·                     Most of the teachers and parents cell phones less distractions and feel that they have no place in school.

·                     Currently no widely accepted learning theory for mobile technologies has been established, hampering the effective assessments, pedagogy, and design of new applications for learning.

·                     Poorly designed mobile Technologies adversely affect usability and can distract children from learning goals.

·                     Physical aspects of mobile technologies that may prevent an optimal learning experience include restricted test entry screen size and Limited battery life

·                     Wide diversity among mobile Technologies represent a challenge for teachers and learners for who wish to effleurage academic outcomes at last the producers who seek to facilitate such learning


Ubiquitous Computing

Ubiquitous Computing (or “Ubicomp”) is a concept in software engineering and computer science where computing is made to appear anytime and everywhere in contrast to desktop computing over ubiquitous computing can occur using any device in any location and in any format the underlying Technologies to support ubiquitous computing include Internet, advanced middleware, operating system, mobile code, sensors, microprocessors new 1/0 and networks, mobile protocol etc.

This paradigm is also known as “pervasive  computing”.

Three waves of computing
Mainframe computer era 

·                     Massive computers to execute big data processing applications.

·                     Very few computers in the world

·                     Many people one computer

Desktop computing

·                     One computer at every desk to help in business related activities.

·                     Computers connected in intanets to a massive global network (Internet) all wired.

Ubiquitous computing Era

·                     Tens or hundreds of computing device in every room or  person

·                     “Invisible” and part of the environment


·                     Processing

§     Cheaper, faster, smaller, more energy efficient

·                     Storage

§     Big fast and small in size

·                     Networking

§     Global local and ad –hoc, low power and high band width low latencies

·                     Sensors


·                     Where is not very much evidence  to tackle computer events that are raised by very many devices in the frame work in a uniform manner.

·                     The events that are raised by device are not the same due to heterogeneous software and network system

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is a form of internet-based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand.                  It allows the users and enterprises with various capabilities to store and process the data in either privately owned cloud, or on a third party server in order to make data accessing mechanism much more easy and reliable


·                     Ability for organizations may be improved as Cloud Computing may increase users flexibility with re provisioning, adding, or expanding Technologies infrastructure resources

·                     Cost reductions are claimed by cloud providers a public cloud delivery model converts capital expenditure buying service to operational expenditure.

·                     Enable users to access systems using a web browser regardless of their location or what device they use.

·                     Maintenance of cloud computing application is easier because they do not need to be installed on each user’s computers and can be accessed from different places

·                     Reliability improves with the use of multiple redundant sites, which makes well- designed clouds computing suitable for business connectivity and this disaster recovery.
  •                          Productivity may be increased when multiple users can work on the same data simultaneously, rather than waiting for it to be saved and emailed.

  •              Security can improve due to centralization of data increase the security focused resources security is often as good as or better than other traditional systems.

The National Institute of standards and Technology definition of cloud computing identifies essential characteristics

1.                  On demand self service

2.                  Broad network access

3.                  Resource pooling

4.                  Rapid electricity

5.                  measured service

·                     Options.

·                     Cloud provider might not make you a legal needs

·                     In cloud computing the control of the back and infrastructure is limited to the cloud vendor only.

·                     Cloud users are limited to the control and management of their applications Limited customization


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